Our Gift Bouquets
City-wide Delivery, Celebrating all Occasions
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Age Tower
$65.00 -
Any Age Bouquet
$60.00 -
Baby Blast Bouquet
$50.00 -
Balloon Buddy
$70.00 -
Bat Gothic Standup
$70.00 -
Beary Much Love Bouquet
$37.95 -
Birthday Blast Bouquet
$48.99 -
Birthday Countdown
$75.00 -
Birthday Safari Bouquet
$50.00 -
Birthday Star Power
$55.00 -
Butterflies & Blossoms bouquet
$60.00 -
Butterflies & Blossoms Bouquet
$60.00 -
Classic 10 Bouquet
$37.00 -
Classic 7 Bouquet
$29.95 -
Dapper Dracula Standup
$75.00 -
Feel Better Fish Bouquet
$55.00 -
From My heart to Yours Bouquet
$65.00 -
Fun & Funky Birthday Cake Bqt
$45.00 -
Fun on the Farm Bouquet
$55.00 -
Get Well Bouquet
$35.00 -
Gothic Greeting
$70.00 -
Hang in There bouquet
$50.00 -
Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses
$10.00 -
Jelly Beans
$8.50 -
Love Monkeys Standup
$65.00 -
Lovin You Bouquet
$55.00 -
Minnie Mouse
$50.00 -
Starry Welcome Baby Bouquet
$55.00 -
Stuffed Animal
$14.95 -
Sweet Treat Bouquet
$50.00 -
Under the Sea Birthday Bouquet
$55.00 -
Wicked Witch Standup
$100.00 -
Wild for My Valentine Standup
- Calgary: $19.00
- Calgary(outside 22x/Stony Trail 201): $25.00
- Airdrie: $35.00
- Chestermere:$30.00
- High River:$45.00